This post originated from an RSS feed registered with .NET Buzz
by Damir Tomicic.
Original Post: [Music] Simfy - Simplify Your Music Search
Feed Title: Damir Tomicic : community powered
Feed URL:
Feed Description: stuff about .NET, community and life - in several languages.
Simfy [1] ist ein kostenloser Such- und Preisvergleichsdienst für legale Musikdownloads.
In folgenden Shops kann bei Simfy gesucht werden: AOL, Mediaonline, medionmusic, Musicload,
OggStar, Finetunes, freenet, Saturn,, o2 Music, four music, Kiddo
Records, fine. Records, yomama, Bleep.
Besonders spannend ist die Position 2.5 [2] im FAQ-Bereich: "... eine neuartige
Kombination verschiedener Programmiersprachen, die als AJAX
oder Web 2.0 bezeichnet wird ...". Spannend im Bezug auf
den Artikel "Fragmented Future" publiziert im Juli 1999:
"... The Web we know now, which loads into a browser window in essentially static
screenfuls, is only an embryo of the Web to come. Ironically, the defining trait of
Web 2.0 will be that it won't have any visible characteristics at all ... The
Web will be understood not as screenfuls of text and graphics but as a transport mechanism,
the ether through which interactivity happens. It will still appear on your computer
screen, transformed by video and other dynamic media made possible by the speedy connection
technologies now coming down the pike. ..."
It's incredible how time goes by, würd ich sagen... ;-)