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by Steve Hebert.
Original Post: telerik's TabStrip control - first implementation impressions
Feed Title: Steve Hebert's Development Blog
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I just finished wiring up telerik's TabStrip control for the first time. The experience was pretty painless.
For background, we have a page that displays a large amount of data. This data is all hidden/shown client-side using javascript. The previous implementation was using links that called the show/hide function.
To implement their control client-side:
I added a project reference to the TabStrip library.
Added the control reference to the display page.
Added the code behind that handled the tab creation (a dynamic list). The individual tabs can be created by performing a "new Tab(name)". The tab object is then added using the TabStrip.Tabs.Add(...) function. The function calls to show/hide the content were made using the Tab.Attributes.Add(..) functionality which is identical to the Attributes collection on other ASP.NET controls.
I ran the control and it complained the source files had not been loaded into the proper directory. It even provided a link to telerik's side explaining the situation along with other problems that can cause the error (directory permissions, etc). I copied the files, hit refresh and everything just works.
I was very happy with how easy the implementation went.