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by Udi Dahan.
Original Post: MQ vs ESB
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Feed Description: I am a software simplist. I make this beast of architecting, analysing, designing, developing, testing, managing, deploying software systems simple.
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There was a topic that came up recently on one of the SOA discussion groups as to the relationship of message queuing (vendor agnostic) and ESBs.
If we consider a specific message queuing implementation as "just a transport", a way to get a bunch of bytes from one place to another (since there's a good chance that we can't count on a specific implementation always), then the question becomes:
What is the relationship between asynchronous communication and ESBs?
Which really degenerates to the question:
Should you use asynchronous communication, as in one-way only.
I would say yes. But then you'd probably have to give up this idea of "method invocation". Which goes against much of the REST-ian spirit - do a PUT on one resource, if that works, do a GET on another resource, take the results, mash them up, and PUT them to yet another resource. It would be awfully hard to write that kind of synchronous, sequential process with one-way only communication.