This post originated from an RSS feed registered with .NET Buzz
by Paul Vick.
Original Post: Discussing VB, scripting, dynamism and such
Feed Title: Panopticon Central
Feed URL: /error.aspx?aspxerrorpath=/rss.aspx
Feed Description: a blog on Visual Basic, .NET and other stuff
As the eagle-eyed may have noticed, I recently added a new post category called “VB/Script.” In it I have collected a number of posts that I’ve written over the years concerning VB, scripting, dynamism and so on. Specifically, I’ve pulled together (in chronological order from earliest to latest):
I’m doing this because I expect that in the coming months/years I’ll be talking more about these kinds of things, and I want to make sure they’re all easily accessible. A couple of quick notes on the category name, though. First, I put that slash in there to emphasize that I am not talking about VBScript, the IActiveScript script engine, per se. I’m just talking about “VB” and “scripting.” And, second, I realize that the term “scripting” is so incredibly overloaded as to be practically meaningless—for example, “scripting” doesn’t necessarily mean “dynamism,” even though I’m lumping them together here. However, I don’t want a category named “VB/Scripting/Dynamism/Etc,” so I’m just going to pick a single term and figure that everyone can figure out what I mean. Hopefully, you all can… <g>