This post originated from an RSS feed registered with .NET Buzz
by Paul Vick.
Original Post: Now you don't have to be a masochist!
Feed Title: Panopticon Central
Feed URL: /error.aspx?aspxerrorpath=/rss.aspx
Feed Description: a blog on Visual Basic, .NET and other stuff
This edition of the book focuses on using the Visual Basic 2005 language to program against Office. Visual Basic is a much easier language to use for Office development than the C# language. The Visual Basic language and the Office object models “grew up” together over the years and as a result the Visual Basic language deals much more easily with features of the Office object models like optional parameters and loose typing than C# does. If you compare the Visual Basic edition of this book to the C# edition you will often find the code samples are simpler than the C# samples because of the way Visual Basic simplifies calling the Office object models.