This post originated from an RSS feed registered with .NET Buzz
by Paul Vick.
Original Post: My developers are smarter than your developers!
Feed Title: Panopticon Central
Feed URL: /error.aspx?aspxerrorpath=/rss.aspx
Feed Description: a blog on Visual Basic, .NET and other stuff
Over on his blog John Montgomery shares how some of Microsoft’s internal research puts the lie to the old canard that VB programmers aren’t as smart as other programmers. A short quote:
If you ask VB developers how much education they have, about the same have college degrees as C/C++ developers (we ask what their primary language is and cross reference by level of education attained), and only negligibly more C/C++ developers have graduate degrees. More than that, more pro developers who primarily use VB say they have an undergrad CS degree than pro developers who use C/C++ primarily (though more C/C++ primary devs say they have an engineering degree). In other words, C/C++ pro devs are more likely to have an engineering degree than VB devs (it's outside the margin of error, but just barely).