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by Paul Vick.
Original Post: Firefly: Letting go...
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One of the things I’ve been meaning to do for a long time now is put an official closer on my earlier Firefly entries. So let’s do it.
I saw Serenity a while back when it was still in the theaters, and I did really like it. However, when I walked out it was clear to me that it was over. I don’t exactly know why I felt that way, but I did. Maybe it was the character deaths in the movie, maybe it was the fact that the movie seemed to compress what should have been at least a season or more worth of episodes into two hours, maybe it was the fact that Firefly was really designed to be on the small screen and just didn’t translate well enough to the big screen. I don’t know. Either way, the movie didn’t seem to do well enough to really keep the whole thing going, which is a shame, but there you are — at least we did get an idea of where a bunch of the ongoing sub-plots were headed. Those of you who don’t want to give up hope, head on over to
Since it usually comes up when discussing Firefly, I’ll also mention that I finally gave up on Battlestar Galatica. Now, I know lots of people absolutely love BG. I’m not telling you you’re wrong. I’m just saying that for some reason for me, it just didn’t do it. That’s the way things go.
Next up is going to see V for Vendetta. The trailers look as if they kept a lot of the storyline from the graphic novel. Will this be the first Alan Moore adaptation not to suck? We’ll see…