This post originated from an RSS feed registered with .NET Buzz
by Paul Vick.
Original Post: I haven't gone AWOL...
Feed Title: Panopticon Central
Feed URL: /error.aspx?aspxerrorpath=/rss.aspx
Feed Description: a blog on Visual Basic, .NET and other stuff
…life just went and got very complicated for a while. In particular:
My wife Andrea has had some strange medical symptoms over the past few months that our neurologist thought indicated pretty strongly she has MS. So the past month has been spent getting MRIs and lumbar punctures to try and narrow down the diagnosis. The good news? It’s pretty unlikely she has MS or any of the related types of diseases (RA, Lupus, etc.). The bad news? Still not sure what’s going on. Still, since none of the symptoms are extremely serious, I’ll take “don’t know” for now, given the alternatives.
We’re pushing to get another LINQ preview out in the near future and I’ve been on the hook to write a number of new features for the preview. It’s been great to get the chance to write a lot of code again, but since that’s not my day job any more, it has contributed to a real time crunch.
The whole question of scripting languages, dynamic languages, dynamic environments, loose typing, etc, etc, etc. which has been bubbling around in the background for well over two years seems, all of a sudden, to be coming to quite a boil. Nothing in particular to talk about yet, but lots of interesting and exciting stuff bouncing around and perhaps some quite interesting things to talk about in the near future.
Anyway, I think I should be back now, barring any unexpected surprises. Time to get back to that question of local variables, eh?