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by Darrell Norton.
Original Post: QuickTime for .NET and COM Developers book
Feed Title: Darrell Norton's Blog
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Feed Description: Agile Software Development: Scrum, XP, et al with .NET
A coworker recently sent me a link to this book, QuickTime for .NET and COM Developers. He's put in an order for it, and I'm interested in checking it out. From the back of the book:
A general introduction to QuickTime is followed by a detailed explanation of the QuickTime architecture from a.NET and COM perspective, liberally accompanied by code snippets. A number of implementation examples illustrate key QuickTime features, ranging from a simple movie player to a sophisticated interactive application. Also covered is QuickTime scripting in both QuickTime Player (using Windows Scripting) and in Microsoft Office applications (using VBA). Brief guides to developing with QuickTime in Delphi and ATL/WTL are also included.