This post originated from an RSS feed registered with .NET Buzz
by Daniel Zeiß.
Original Post: Many thanks to you!
Feed Title: Daniel's Blog
Feed URL: /error.aspx?aspxerrorpath=/danielz/Rss.aspx
Feed Description: ComfortASP.NET - AJAX for all
I want to speak out many thanks to all people that gave ComfortASP.NET a try and for the mostly very positive feedback. Here are some samples that gave me great motivation:
"Your AJAX framework is very impressive, we are currently evaluating many AJAX frameworks and yours has the necessary features to be ready for use by developers, at the same time, with the least need to build custom javascript methods like in AJAX.Net." Ethan, Technical Manager, Active8
"...this framework is one of the best I've seen. And trust me, I'm trying a lot of frameworks in the past 5 months... including the most all of your comparison." David Tomas Fargas
"...found your code, downloaded it and I am astonished! It is simple and effective, it can maintain the development the way developers always do, and AJAX just works, in a very very simple way. This is all that I dream of as developer when I think in AJAX technologies." Geoff Martin, Systems Developer, eSAT
Please do not missunderstand this - I am also still looking for cencorious feedback to find out how to improve the framework for the future and for you!