This post originated from an RSS feed registered with .NET Buzz
by Paul Vick.
Original Post: Updated VB 9.0 (LINQ + XML) preview out!
Feed Title: Panopticon Central
Feed URL: /error.aspx?aspxerrorpath=/rss.aspx
Feed Description: a blog on Visual Basic, .NET and other stuff
I know this is oldnews, but I’ll say it anyway: several weeks ago, we released an updated preview of our proposed 9.0 features. The preview is enhanced in four primary ways:
We now support some Intellisense for Select expressions. This is a step forward in our investigation of the Select/From vs. From/Select question, so we’re definitely interested in feedback here.
We now support a lot more LINQ, specifically DLinq and variable capture (so you can now access local variables in queries). A huge chunk of my November/December went towards implementing lambda expressions and expression trees in Visual Basic and that, combined with some excellent work by another team member on variable capture, means a lot of stuff works now that didn’t before.
The editing/display experience for XML literals has been greatly enhanced — just having colorization makes a huge difference.
A bunch of extensions were made to the XLinq support to make working with namespaces and elements easier.
Amanda covers this in more detail in her entry, but this should give you a flavor. Eagle eyed readers will note that I said that I did a lot of work on “implementing lambda expressions,” but it’s important to realize that at this point lambda expressions are only used as a part of query comprehensions — there is no explicit syntax for lambda expressions yet. The priority was on getting the DLinq support working, and now that we’ve got that, we’re moving on to flushing out some of the remaining questions like lambdas…
Hope you enjoy!
Update 02/08/2006: I also forgot to mention that Amanda and I did a MSDN TV episode talking a bit about the new CTP.