This post originated from an RSS feed registered with .NET Buzz
by Steve Hebert.
Original Post: Stonebridge wireless in Hudson, WI - caveat emptor
Feed Title: Steve Hebert's Development Blog
Feed URL: /error.htm?aspxerrorpath=/blogs/steve.hebert/rss.aspx
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Since I've blogged about my wireless service
in the Hudson, WI area before and received a large number of emails
asking my impressions, I feel the need to update things here.
While previously with Nomad Wireless service in Hudson, they were suddenly bought out by Stonebridge Wireless Broadband
out of Eden Prairie, MN. I say suddenly because I received a very
short and somewhat terse letter from the people of Nomad notifying
users of the change. That very same weekend, my service
started acting up. This was a connection that was very solid
prior to that date.
These service interruptions have been going on during evenings and
weekends since October when the transition was made. When I
threaten not to pay, they get their tech group to do some work and get
me operational for a couple of weekends and then it starts to die
again. It's funny because it's generally solid during working
Now they are telling me I need to upgrade to their equipment because
the Nomad equipment "isn't any good". They tell me this upgrade
will cost around $1000. The situation is made more difficult
because the phone company doesn't offer DSL and cable internet is on
its way 'sometime this year'.
It's really unfortunate, because the service used to be great. So, if you're a previous Nomad customer - good luck.