This post originated from an RSS feed registered with .NET Buzz
by Raymond Lewallen.
Original Post: The Power of Computing aka Computing Power
Feed Title: Raymond Lewallen
Feed URL: /error.htm?aspxerrorpath=/blogs/raymond.lewallen/rss.aspx
Feed Description: Patterns and Practices, OOP, .Net and Sql
This is amazing.
It took over 700 computers working for years, but researchers (who
coulda spent these kinda resources on something much more worthwhile,
but that is another story) have identified the largest known prime
number back on December 15th, 2005, which is over 9.1 million digits long. That is absolutely
amazing. Also see the story on MSNBC.
"...on December 15, 2005 at 8:46:48 CST on the
Communications Lab computer no. 7, the 43rd Mersenne prime and largest
known prime number at the time, 2^30402457-1 with its 9,152,052 decimal
digits, was discovered"