Nun ist es ofiziell - die UDDI Business Registry (UBR), der Verzeichnisdienst für
Web Services der UDDI, deren Weiterentwicklung und Standardisierung unter dem Dach
des Herstellerkonsortiums OASIS verläuft, wird am 12.01.2006 geschlossen. Die ofizielle
Begründung erläutert: "The primary goal of the UBR was to prove the interoperability
and robustness of the UDDI specifications through a public implementation. This goal
was met and far exceeded.". Obwohl IBM und Microsoft eigene Services schliessen,
wird SAP den Service aufrechterhalten.
UDDI is acronym for "Universal Description, Discovery
and Integration" specifications
The UDDI Business Registry (UBR) is a free, public UDDI
registry currently jointly operated by IBM, Microsoft, NTT Communications, and SAP.
OASIS is a not-for-profit, global consortium that drives
the development, convergence and adoption of e-business standards.
UDDI accepts and organizes three types of information into three categories:
the White, Yellow and Green Pages.
White Pages include address, contact, and known identifiers. Yellow Pages include
industrial categorizations based on standard taxonomies. Green Pages hold the technical
information about services that are exposed by the business, including references
and interfaces to the services a company can deliver.