This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Web Buzz
by Stuart Langridge.
Original Post: The wooden spoon of overcomplexity
Feed Title: as days pass by
Feed URL:
Feed Description: scratched tallies on the prison wall
So, we released the new LugRadio site and it ran really slowly. Now, it’s built on PyBlosxom, and it’s pretty complicated in parts; some pages include other pages by reading them off the filesystem, some include server-parsed versions of those pages; a CGI can’t output SSIs, so I had to do it myself with urllib; etc etc etc. It was dead slow. So I was trying to think of the best way to solve this; I thought about using PyBlosxom’s static rendering or running PyBlosxom under mod_python (no link provided as the HOWTO that’s out there is out of date and wrong; apparently there’s stuff in CVS which does it too, but I don’t want to run CVS and it relies on WSGI which I don’t understand either).
And then Matt mailed me and said “can we use caching to speed the site up?” And I thought: why am I trying to do this a really complex way? Since the site doesn’t do anything interactive (it does build pages dynamically, but the resultant HTML for that page is the same every time), why don’t I just spider the lot and serve the resultant saved static HTML? So that’s what I did, with the command
so the previously existing pyblosxom version now exists at and points at the statically saved HTML in /var/www/ And, because it’s all plain HTML files, it works like blazes. The wget command is cronned to run hourly. That’s it.
I’m a bit worried that I’m overlooking simple and good solutions in order to be more complex. That’s not only not a good thing, it’s exactly what I complain at other people about; overcomplicating a solution is not a good thing, and the KISS principle dictates not doing it. I need a slapping for not doing it the simple way. I’ll be installing complicated “frameworks” and so on next. If that happens, shoot me.