This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Web Buzz
by Christian Machmeier.
Original Post: I've got a GMail Account
Feed Title: .redSPLASH - Blog
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Feed Description: Share what you know, learn what you don't
This morning I received an email from ("my dearest friend") Uwe, sending my photos from his recent trip to Yosemite National Park, last weekend. And he sent another, inviting me to sign up for a GMail account. Yippie!
Okay, my local hard drive offers more than "just" 1 GB of storage. But since GMail was hyped so much during the last year, I'm now finally with the crowd, ;-) okay, and pretty happy about using GMail (it's like having a new gadget, and you can't stop playing around with it) and stunned by its incredible features (search rules, and label and filters, too).. How cool is that?!