This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Web Buzz
by Stuart Langridge.
Original Post: Installing Hula on Ubuntu Warty
Feed Title: as days pass by
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Feed Description: scratched tallies on the prison wall
So, I’m going to have a crack at Hula on my Warty box. Here’s the stuff I had to do to install it.
I created $HOME/src/hula/install and $HOME/src/hula/trunk directories, and then cd $HOME/src/hula/trunk.
Fetch the source from svn as described on the installation page – svn checkout svn+ssh://
Next, install a load of packages so that it’ll work. I had to install automake1.7, g++, libssl-dev. You might need others which I already had installed for one reason or another.
Now do ./ --prefix=<prefix>. I set the prefix to be $HOME/src/hula/install, because I’m going to try not running it as root; I want it to run n non-standard ports so that it doesn’t conflict with my existing SMTP and IMAP servers.
make install
cd $HOME/src/hula/install
./sbin/hulasetup --ldap=10389 --http=10080 --https=10443 --webadmin=10081 --webadmins=10082 --dns= (wait until it finishes)
./sbin/hulamanager (this will stay running)
In your browser, go to http://localhost:10080/ and log in with username admin, password hula.
Well, that’s the theory. Actually, I so far can’t get it to run; in the syslog I keep getting “”localhost mwpref[3099]: Could not connect to NMAP server 16777343 (code:-1)“” and I don’t know why. The people on #hula:freenode are pretty helpful, though. For now, I surrender; I’ll come back to this tomorrow.