Christian Machmeier
Posts: 198
Nickname: cmachmeier
Registered: Sep, 2004
Christian Machmeier is a web designer and developer in Heidelberg, Germany.
IE7 to come..
Posted: Feb 15, 2005 3:41 PM
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by Christian Machmeier.
Original Post: IE7 to come..
Feed Title: .redSPLASH - Blog
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..sooner than one might have expected? Although I doubted for long that anything good would ever come out of Microsoft 's Internet Explorer department, and Tom Sommer still doubts (see this chat transcript on Microsoft TechNet saying there would not be any new version of Internet Explorer except for users of the latest Windows release), I was pretty stunned recognizing, ehm discovering this announcement in Robert Scoble's Blog , where the Scobelizer points to this entry in Microsoft's IEBlog . Also related is this press release discussing How Microsoft Is Keeping Pace with an Ever-Changing Security Landscape featuring "Microsoft Corporate VP Mike Nash discussing how, as the volume and sophistication of computer security threats have grown, so has Microsoft?s commitment to security. Its approach to security evolves with the shifting ecosystem ".
Read: IE7 to come..