While surfing around my uncontrollable list of RSS feeds I found a link to this link trading site called Blog Explosion. The idea is that you check out other blogs and in exchange people will check out yours. It's all done with a little frame on top and a timer. I figured it might be fun to get out of the little niche I have given myself when reading blogs and see what else was out there so I signed up.
Dear reader let me tell you something about the other sections of the blogosphere. They are almost entirely eye-goungingly boring. I can appriciate the fact that this blog is not really a barrel of monkeys. Sure I have a picture of the pope holding a hockey stick, and a new category devoted to making up slightly offensive band names, but when you take that stuff away you are adrift in a sea of the same ol' same ol'.
These blogs are from people that might be interesting to me if I met them and got to know them, but when it comes down to it I don't understand why people read the blogs from stay at home moms. Wait... maybe stay at home moms read them. The same way I only am interested in blogs of people that are slightly nerdy and a little off kilter like me.
Blogs are totally sweet and mind numbingly boring all at the same time. Anyway, the link to the site is below.