This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Web Buzz
by Stuart Langridge.
Original Post: Eating a bear
Feed Title: as days pass by
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Feed Description: scratched tallies on the prison wall
Drew McLellan thinks that 2005 will be the year of the beard and points out that Jon Hicks, Andy Budd, and himself all are hairier than your average bear. It’s nice to be in good company, although I haven’t had my own facial fungus as long as Andy B has, and it’s dwarfed on the International Scale Of Beard Floppiness by Jono’s chin fur. Actually, 75% of the LugRadio team are cheekly hirsute, the exception being On Call Bald. And he’s bald! Hence the name! Moreover, he thinks he has a beard, although it’s really a toothbrush moustache that has slipped below his mouth. So that means that all four of us are weirdy beardies. Clearly Drew was right. Let’s hear it for 2005, the Year of Beard.