There is a story on about some college students that are suing their colleges because they believe the school is biased liberally. The actual case involves a book about the Quaran that is listed in the required reading for the school's incoming freshmen. Even if I assumed that the teachers were very liberal (which I don't doubt, it tends to come with education) why should anyone sue them? If they are giving you failing grades even when you do equal work then I am all for it, but why sue them because they assigned you a book to read?
When it comes down to it you are in college to learn about the world. How better can you learn about the world than by listening to some of the more extreme opinion and forming your own ideas. Dear god, don't make college in to a place to churn out zombies. Now I know you conservatives are going to tell me that college is doing exactly that by teaching liberally, but there is a simple answer for you. Get more conservatives educated and in to the education field.