This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Web Buzz
by Josh Baltzell.
Original Post: Blog from an Iraqi Woman my age living in Baghdad
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Feed Description: Weblog of Josh Baltzell. Focusing on the computer industry and .NET programming related news. I like to get involved on the discussions wherever they are.
I'm sure everyone has seen these, but I was reading some posts from a woman living in Iraq that is about my age. It is a sad read from what I have seen so far, but something everyone should see.
“The situation in Falloojeh is worse than anyone can possibly describe. It has turned into one of those cities you see in your darkest nightmares- broken streets strewn with corpses, crumbling houses and fallen mosques... The worst part is that for the last couple of weeks we've been hearing about the use of chemical weapons inside Falloojeh by the Americans. Today we heard that the delegation from the Iraqi Ministry of Health isn't being allowed into the city, for some reason.”