This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Web Buzz
by John Wilger.
Original Post: What's the Point?
Feed Title: ThatWebThing: Weblog
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Design, Usability and Programming for the Web
Weblog entries.
It seems these days that everyone has a weblog or article site about web design/usability/what-have-you. With all of these resources already available, why did I even bother to start this site?
Most of the sites out there about web design and usability seem to focus on “Web sites”—that is, sites for access and use by the general public. The difference between sites like that and ThatWebThing is that this site is intended to focus on the specific area of Web-based applications.
There has been quite a bit of buzz in the last 6 months or so about how web-based interfaces are finding ground in many environments as the choice application interface. Recent conferences have touted “Web 2.0” as if it were an all-new emerging technology rather than simply a coming-of-age for the web in its ability to deploy advanced, business critical applications.
The needs and requirments of a web-based application differ in many areas from a “regular” web site. In some cases, it’s not critically necessary to employ semantic markup within an application (other than perhaps a knwledge base system, etc.), and it’s generally more acceptable to use client-side technologies that limit accessibility such as advanced Javascript and Flash. (Ooh, I’m just waiting for the hate-mail to come pouring in from the accessibility zealots. ) The point isn’t to say that accessibility and web standards aren’t important—they are!—it’s just that the rules may be a bit different when deploying a web application that will be used by a known group of people in an internal company environment as opposed to deploying a corporate website that can and will be accessed by any one in the world.
So, to sum all of that up into something of a Mission Statement for this website: strives to provide relevant technical advice to web-based application developers. Our focus is on application interface design and usability for web-based applications as well as good programming techniques as they apply to web-based applications. We do not specifically endorse any one programming language or technology, however the content of the site will generally reflect those technologies used most often by the authors. In the interest of promoting diverse communication within the topics covered by this site, will accept and consider for publication articles from any person in the development community.