This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Web Buzz
by Josh Baltzell.
Original Post: Did anyone notice that it is quite a year for game sequels?
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Feed Description: Weblog of Josh Baltzell. Focusing on the computer industry and .NET programming related news. I like to get involved on the discussions wherever they are.
I guess you could argue that a hundred sequels come out a year, but it seems like a lot of big ones came out (or are coming out) this year. Sims 2, Halflife 2, Halo 2, Doom 3... and I hear that Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 is coming soon also.
Those are the second (or higher) edition of some of the most popular games I can thinks of. I think this is going to be a huge year for games. I know I have bought more games recently than I ever have. Now I just need to find time to play them.