This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Web Buzz
by John Wilger.
Original Post: Regular Posting Will Now Resume
Feed Title: ThatWebThing
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Articles and weblog about design, usability and programming for the web.
Ladies and gentlemen&hellip Children of all ages&hellip It is my pleasure to announce that this website is now powered by Rails!
After a little more than a week, I've finally got this site running using the completely awesome combination of Rails and Ruby. It's not completely finished yet—but there is decidedly enough ready to make it public. (There's at least as much finished as what was here previously.)
Still to be done:
dated article archives
dated weblog archives
make the search form functional
contact form
visitor comments
There are also a few tasks remaining to be finished on the backend administration views, but I can at least post articles and weblog entries without having to type them up in phpMyAdmin. Outside of the above items, if you notice anything terribly wrong with the site, please let me know via email at johnwilger | at | gmail | dot | com.