I could just be uncommon stress (New house, been working on it daily for a month, making early wedding plans, running low on cash, hectic work schedule) but I think programming is changing my brain for the worse.
I love to program and all, but I think it is making me lose the ability to focus on things. I find myself needing a magazine to watch TV or ride as a passenger in a car now.
Now let me explain a little about me in the first place that has a lot to do with my current problem. I have one major phobia. I'm deathly scared of boredom. I'm not sure what that phobia is called but I'm sure it's in this list. So that means that when I go on a long car trip or plane ride I take a sack of things to do. Not only do I need enough to get me there, I need enough variety so that I could do any one thing for the entire trip if I so desire. So a four hour plane trip might be a gameboy, a novel, a computer book, and 3 different magazines.
Now, back to the issue at hand. I find that I look forward to the planning stages and early organization, but I become easily discouraged by setbacks. So much so that I decided to take a break from my current small issues by writing this post.
So this is the last paragraph so I will get to the point. Assuming you read this post please notice that the number of semi-related topics I hit was at least three. I think this proves that my brain is literally in tatters and I can no longer... ooh! A bird!