This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Web Buzz
by Josh Baltzell.
Original Post: The Josh List - v1.0
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Feed Description: Weblog of Josh Baltzell. Focusing on the computer industry and .NET programming related news. I like to get involved on the discussions wherever they are.
I decided that I find a lot of things that are reasonably useful, but don't post them. So a list format that is straight stolen from sites Live .Avery and Larkware is in order. Some of these are older since I just caught up on all my blogs for the first time in quite a while. Here is version 1.0.
Internet News:
Looks like I will never be able to make any money off of GMail invites. [READ][via Scooblog]
Now that we have had a boom in Digital Camera sales get ready for a boom in usage. MS Shows off some image cataloguing and organisational tools in the pipe. Very cool use of graphics without going over the top. Check out the movie to see for yourself. [WATCH][via Scoble]
Kevin Rose (from G4TechTV) post a bunch of links to bittorrent related sites. [READ] scores highest in a roundup of Fortune 100 websites. “On a scale of 0 to 10, the Fortune 100 group averaged a 6.2. Microsoft scored highest, with an 8.7” I agree. For sheer amount of information available MS does a great job, but there is still a lot of room to improve. [READ][via Scooblog][also via iUnknown]
"Are Slashdotters really 99% ignorant?" Several Open Source vs MS conversations I have had and arguments I have read seem like they are arguing between Linux today and Windows 98 (not all mind you, but many) [READ]
If you send an email to it is apparently a valid address. You can use filters to find mail forward this way. If I decide I am for sure staying with GMail it might be time to start doing this. [via Redemption in a Blog]
A SQL Statement to show you your .TEXT blog referers without all the search engines included. [READ]
IT Conversations has a bunch of interesting Audio conversations available for download. John Sands links to a couple in particular: [LISTEN][LISTEN][via Sandspace]
Coding software that isn't new anymore can start to get annoying. No wonder programmers like to rewrite so often. "Back to the editor, fix, fix, fix, fix, fix, fix.. Better.. Now compile again.. Dang, another long blast of error messages." [READ]
"The best programmers are up to 28 times better than the worst programmers" - I believe it. What other industry can make a statement like that and not have it be shocking to the people in the industry. I hope to one day only have the best programmers be 10 times better than me. [via Greg Robinson]
OLD: Kevin Ebert links to a great article about making a progress bar for ASP.NET pages. The sites I work on depend on a separate piece of software on another server to compose a PDF on the fly. I hope I can suit this to work for me. [READ][via Kevin's Blog]
OLD: Katherine Dollard shows some tips for how to use the task pane in Visual Studio like a champ. [READ]
James Avery starts analysing what conservatives are saying and posts a great link to a site that helps you understand where you stand politically based on issues. [READ]
In one post I see two things that interest me very much. A link to a review of the Creative Nomad Zen MP3 player [READ] and a great link to a BBC lecture series [READ]. [via Sandspace]
OLD: Interesting paper from Microsoft Research about Instant Messaging within Media Center. Just another small step toward the time when the computers are ubiquitous and built in everywhere. [READ]
57 Digital Print and Personalisation Cases from PODi - Being in the print industry I would love to read through these case studies. Almost $500 for the book though? It better be fully personalised and be here in a day. [via]
Some funny names for genes named by people studying Fruit Flies: "The gene without which fruit flies get drunk really easily is called cheap date", "a gene without which fruit flies die in two days is named Kenny"[via The Old New Thing]