Neopoleon: It seems like everyone reads Rory now, which is good because he is entertaining. I'm starting to feel like I am super trendy because I read his blog before he was on .NET Rocks.
Scott Hanselman: There have been several posts on his site (technical and nontechnical) that really clear things up for me. One good example is the diabetes post. I place a lot of value in a blog that I can learn something from on occasion.
Don Park: Don Park posts a lot of good technical content, but for some reason I really like the little parts about Korea that he mixes in. Again, learning = subscribed.
The Scobleizer: More often than not I don't read his posts until at least the weekend because he is a posting machine, but you have to respect the amount of interesting links.
Ensight: Jeremy from Ensight seems to always be good for an opinion. Of course that is nothing strange for a blog, but I usually find his opinions interesting and I very often agree.
Larkware: No one can deny the psychological power of a daily serving of information. I am like a rat pressing a button for a food pellet. Really though, I find a lot of interesting articles via the links. Plus the format of the posts themselves are easy to read and useful (The actual website needs a little help though if you ask me.)
.Avery Blog: This is another example of the rat pressing the botton for food syndrome I am afflicted with. I would miss it if he stopped doing .NET Nightly totally.
Ian White: I think I like Ian for the same reason I like Rory. Nontechnical posts about cities named "F*cking" mixed in with a few technical commentaries make the site feel more personal. More like a conversation I would have with my nerd friends face to face.