This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Web Buzz
by Cheah Chu Yeow.
Original Post: One year of blogging
Feed Title: redemption in a blog
Feed URL:
Feed Description: ramblings of a misfit - web development, Mozilla, Firefox, Thunderbird, CSS, programming
One year ago today (well, it's actually yesterday, since it just crossed midnight), 24 May 2003, I wrote my very first blog entry. Of course, I started with good old Blogger, moved on to Blog-City, and then FreeRoller (now renamed to JRoller), before I finally settled on using Movable Type on my own hosting account. Probably going to stick around, at least until I manage to move to WordPress without losing my customizations to my Movable Type installation.
In the one year that's passed, this weblog has undergone just 3 major redesigns (which I regrettably haven't archived for future, er, contemplation). It started out as a Java blog, before getting more involved with web development topics, and then Mozilla (Firefox, Thunderbird) news. I think I've settled comfortably on the topics of "web development, Mozilla, Firefox, Thunderbird, CSS, programming" plus any tech bits that interest me.
Anyway, I'm glad that people are still reading :), and I am honored to have actually made a good number of blogrolls. Thanks for having me.