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by Josh Baltzell.
Original Post: Look what blogs have done to my Amazon wishlist
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I like Amazon's wish list feature. It's nothing truly special, but I can put something together so that everyone that needs some ideas can get me some of the things I want for my birthday. Usually the list has havered somewhere around ten items, but after getting in to blogs in the last year I find myself using my wishlist to store everything that looks interesting so I can remember it when it's time for a new book.
As another experement in integrating the “content“ of my site (Please treat the previous quotes as Wayne's World style air quotes and follow the gesture with a “Sheyeah, as if“ if you deem saying that out loud as appropriate) with a few links that have the possibility of making me some pocket change I am posting my current wishlist here with amazon links.
Please post links to other people's wishlists or other list of books/movies/music etc if you think I may like the lists.