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by Josh Baltzell.
Original Post: Scoble mentions a good use for infomercials
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Quick quote from an old post from Robert Scoble (I am playing catchup on my RSS feeds lately.)
But, let's think outside the box. Many of our customers have Tivos (or, if they've heard of them, Windows Media Centers). Why not buy some late night infomercial time? Say an hour. Have Erica Weichers and Robert Hess show you stuff in depth. The shorter ads can point you to a Web site, or point out that infomercials are coming soon so set your Tivo.
This is a great idea. I know that Tivo has a feature where they play ads that let you press thumbs up to record a show they are talking about. This is a great idea, but what keeps people from fast forwarding through the commercial for the commercial?
I know that MS occasionally plays some show on TechTV where they talk about features in products, but they are very much like a typical infomercian so they make me sick. Make it entertaining, let Rory and Ari Bixhorn from VBTV host it.