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by Josh Baltzell.
Original Post: Marriage Preparation: An Introduction: How things came to be Part A
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Feed Description: Weblog of Josh Baltzell. Focusing on the computer industry and .NET programming related news. I like to get involved on the discussions wherever they are.
Finding a starting point to start telling my story about getting married is a bit of a challenge. Where is the character development? Who is the antagonist? What is the moral? Why would I write it like a novel?
There seems to be only one valid question in my list: “Where is the character development?” The other questions have answers to, and they are as follows: The antagonist is the wedding day itself, the moral will hopefully be “If you love someone you can do anything for them and enjoy it.” (I don’t even think that is a moral, but oh well.). Why write it like a novel? I’m not, get off my back.
Back to character development now, let me tell you the brief history of Angie and I. Angie is about 2.5 years younger than me, so she was a freshman in my high school when I was a senior. She was also the sister of one of my best friends.
Back in those days we never thought much of each other. I was the greasy kid that came over to her house all the time (Back then I had long hair on top with it buzzed on the sides (I could get my hair past my chin.)) and she was the giggly girl that could make friends with anyone.
Time went on and I graduated from high school. I got a computer job after being out of school for 6 months or so (but I still had not cut my hair.) At that time I was hanging out in a local pool hall every night, and at around the same time Angie also started to frequent the place. Still nothing. We didn’t have any interest in each other then either.
More time passes and now it is now Christmas time 2000. She is dating a guy she has been dating on and off for years again. She’s not very happy with the relationship, but she can’t muster the courage to end it. Her birthday goes by on the 22nd of December and he is less than enthused. She and I were hanging out more and more often back then, but unlike the friendship she was probably going for I was there because I was falling in love with her.
I had a friend at work that I ate lunch with and smoked with named Ben Hutchisson that more or less told me to just have some balls. Finally one night at a small party I was having I asked her to come upstairs with me and I told her exactly how I felt. She was speechless and started rambling about something else to get her off the subject. Our friend Brandon came up the stairs and she was excited to see him just to alleviate how uncomfortable she was obviously feeling.
I don’t know that she even said another word to me that night aside from maybe telling me she wasn’t mad at me. I don’t remember when we started to joke around again, but it wasn’t long. She was still in her relationship with her boyfriend and I was making comments about what I would do if she was mine.
I know, I know… that is shady of me to talk to her like that when she had a boyfriend. Believe me, I know. Obviously though I was right about my feeling for her since she has a ring on her hand today.
That’s enough for now, I will fill in the rest in another post.