Community Builder Extensions is one of the oldest, dating back Mambo (Joomla forerunner of today), Community Builder is the reason many people use is likely to expand the features that Joomla!not provide or provide insufficient as:
- Create custom user fields (the default Joomla only major fields such as usernames, email, password).
- Allow construction sites in small communities, support better management members.
Community Builder comes with a lot of add-on that allows you to customize your Joomla site to attract more members, Communiy Builder has been worthy of a pillar in the village location Extension for Joomla!
To be able to install Community Builder, please follow the following steps:
Back up your data before installing, host to Safe mode = off and support function php_uname ()
1) Install the component
2) Install the module - Go to the ACP -> Components -> Community Builder -> Tools , click Synchronize Users to synchronize data.
3) Install module (if you want to use the member functions of management in the Front End)
4) Install module (if you want to display a list of online members )
5) Activate module cblogin and other modules that require use of CB
6) Go to ACP -> Components -> Community Builder -> Configuration in the General tab in Name Style, select the First Name and Last Name field and click Save - Go to the ACP -> Components -> Community Builder -> Tools click Synchronize Users to synchronize data.
7) Turn off the default Joomla login module.
8) Create a menu link personal information to member profile page: - On the Menu -> User Menu click Add new menu, select Add new internal link -> Community Builder -> User Profile (Mandatory) a title for the complete menu click Save.
9) Create a menu list of members: - On the Menu -> User Menu (only members have access), or Menu -> Main Menu (everyone access) -> click Add new menu, select Add new internal link -> Community Builder -> User List a title for the complete menu click Save
10) Create a default list of members with the personal information (address, phone, etc. ..): - Go to the ACP -> Components -> Community Builder ->Tools click on the Load Sample Data
Note: to edit or create new members you list in the ACP -> Components -> Community Builder -> List Management
11) If you want to only allow members to register through the Community Builder (choose this option): - In the ACP -> Components -> Community Builder -> Configuration click Registration tab, click on the Allow User Registration select yes, independently of global site setting - Go to the ACP -> website -> General Configuration click on the System in the Configuration Members in section Allows members registered users select not