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by Lee v.
Original Post: How to Remove Rouge Fake Antivirus Software
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Lately there are many rouge fake antivirus software appears on the internet. If you have visited some maliciously website it will automatically download this fake antivirus software down into you computer.
Once this fake antivirus software has downloaded into you PC it will take complete control of your computer and forcing you into paying the money to get rid of it.
Initially it will show you a fake screen of all the virus it has scanned on your PC, the screen will shows you how many viruses is on your computer and how you have to do to fix it.
When you try to run another software it will block you from opening any executable file and it will even prevent you from accessing the interent.
Here is a general guide of how to get rid of these malicious software:
- Download a copy of SuperAntiSpyware to remove the fake antivirus software. - Try to use ComboFix to kill the virus. - Install MalwareBytes and run it so that it could perform a full system scan. - Once your computer is cleaned try to install antivirus software and do a full system scan.
Since normally the fake antivirus software block you from getting access to the internet you will need to go to a clean computer and download the above mentioned software onto a USB stick. Then plug that stick into the infected computer and run it. When running the software from the USB drive the fake antivirus software may popup and say that you cannot run this software you can simply try to move the popup message to a side and run the software again. Alternatively you could also try to rename the software on the USB drive to explorer.exe and run it.
Here is a typical of what the fake antivirus software look like:
Here is a list of some of the fake antivirus software: