Learn how could add more ringtones to your notification ringtones sound collection on the Samsung Galaxy S II.
Notification ringtone is used to alert you when there is an alert such as an event, missed calls, incoming messages and alarms. You can choose which ringtone to use for the notification alert. However there are not many ringtone to choose from and the default one can sound really boring.
Here's how you could add more ringtone to the default collection.
1. Connect your device to the computer using the USB cable.
2. Then on the internal/external SD card, go to the root folder and create three folders as follow:
Now put you sound file into one of the above folders.
3. Now when you go and configure the ringtone for an event, missed calls, incoming messages or an alarms, the new sound will appears as an additional option to your default ringtones.
To set the new ringtone:
1. Go to settings. 2. Then select Sound. 3. Then select Notification ringtone. 4. Now selected a new tone.