Find out how you could send a photo to a friend via email or messaging on the Samsung Galaxy S II.
If you have a cool picture that you wish to share with a friend or family then you could email them via the email app or the messaging app. Here's how:
1. Press the Home key to go back to the idle screen.
2. Then open the application list.
3. Next select Gallery.
4. Then choose a desire folder.
5. Now select a photo you wish to send.
6. Now tap on the photo and you will see panel of buttons appear at the top of the screen. Then tap on Send via or Share.
7. Next you can either select Email or Messaging. In this tutorial we will select Email.
8. Then in the Compose screen fill in the email To address, Subject and the message detail.
Once you are ready you can tap on the Send button to send it.
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If you like you could save it as a draft and then at send it at a later time on the Samsung Galaxy S II.