How to fix with the FaceBook error API Error Description: The specified URL is not owned by the application.
Recently I have setup an app in the Facebook app. When using another application trying to log into the Facebook app I get the below error:
API Error COde: 191
API Error Description: The specified URL is not owned by the application
To fix this issue you have into the Facebook app and change some setting. Here's how:
1. Go into the Facebook developer section.
2. Then on the right under My Apps section click on your app page.
3. Then click on Edit Settings, it is located under Total Users stat number.
4. Then on the left hand side click on Advanced.
5. On the right hand side panel select Disabled for Disable Deprecated Auth Methods.
6. Click on Save Changes and then give it another test and see if you still get an error.
Read: Fixed: FaceBook error - API Error Description The specified URL is not owned by the application