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by Josh Baltzell.
Original Post: I, Robot Movie preview playing like a real business
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The upcoming movie I, Robot written by famed scifi author Issac Asimov is starting it's marketing campaign. Gizmodo mentioned the website being advertised before the Return of the King movie.
I don't know who thinks this is really a product after reading (this very day) about the "amazing running robot" from Sony. If it were the size of a human it could move 1.5 MPH! Oooooooooh, ahhhhhh.
Really though this is an obvious ad, but still a fun marketing tool to get people taking a peek at the website. Since I believe I may be the only person in the western hemisphere that liked Bicentennial Man, I am actually sort of excited.
There is a commercial available on the site. The link to the site and the video are below.