This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Web Buzz
by Douglas Clifton.
Original Post: Halloween
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Feed Description: Web Development News, Culture and Opinion
What does this post have to do with Web development? Absolutely nothing!
Halloween is my favorite holiday. After all, I'm Scottish and Welsh (aka Celtic and Gaelic), I love the crisp fall weather, I happen to have been born in October and I loves me some heathen holidays. Plus we have the fall bounty of apples and pears, pumpkins and squash, root vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnips and rutabagas, cruciforms including cabbage and broccoli and cauliflower, cracked nuts in the shell...there's just something about harvest season that gets my maple syrup running. Okay, that's actually late winter into spring, but you get the idea. To me at least, it all smacks of comfort food—and good for you to.
If you're planning on carving a Jack-o'-Lantern or two, don't forget to clean and roast the pumpkin seeds—delicious and nutritious! And of course we have trick-or-treating, costume parties, bonfires (or even just the smell of woodsmoke from the neighbor's chimney), haunted houses, and reading scary stories or watching horror movies. What's not to love about Halloween? Well, if you're from Michigan, probably Devil's Night. Other than that, Samhain rules!
For me, Halloween brings back memories of childhood mysteries and endless fun—like playing in leaf piles—and of course a sack full of candy to trade and savor the next day.