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Embrio Unicycle/Motorcycle combo dealy

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Josh Baltzell

Posts: 664
Nickname: jbaltzell
Registered: Nov, 2003

Josh Baltzell is an ASP.NET and ASP Programmer learning all he can about all.
Embrio Unicycle/Motorcycle combo dealy Posted: Nov 29, 2003 11:38 PM
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Wired has an article about the not-yet-prototype ”...still in the advanced concept phase of development.” Embrio concept vehicle.  I have a few problems with this idea.  There is just no business model for it as far as I can see.

Assumptions about the future (I really don't believe these, but let's just pretend)

  1. People want personal transport devices to commute more efficiently to work.
  2. These people are city dwellers sick of traffic congestion.

If they buy this device what benefit do they get?  Are their any cities that can handle vehicles that have a top speed of 35 MPH?  That logically means you can't use them on a road and you can't use them on a sidewalk.  I think that is a deal breaker don't you?  At least the Segway is a device that can be used with existing infrastructure.

So then, what are the real problems with these personal transports?

  1. Price.  Not many people can afford to pay the price of a Segway and I would wager that this new Embrio if it ever comes out would be comparable or more likely more expensive.
  2. Competition.  You can go to a thrift store and buy a bike for $10.  The only emissions of the bike come out of the rider (I won't go any farther on that statement).  Then again, I am American and I don't want to put any effort in to my travel.  How am I supposed to drink my Vente Mocha Pumpkin Spice Latte with extra foam while I am on my morning conference call on my cell phone while I ride a bike?
  3. Marketing.  These products seem to be designed for a western person's wallet when the real need seems to be in the east.  Every time I see something on TV about an Asian city I see the streets filled with people on foot and riding bikes, but very few cars.  More so in China than elsewhere I am sure that very few people could come off the coin for something that costs $6000USD, so we are back to price.

I feel like these devices need to be designed for the consumers in need, not for some mystical future this company is trying to invent for us.  Perfect the process and design and then make it as cheap as possible.  Make factories as efficient as possible (Move them to China if they are not already there) and start selling in the East.  All the cool useful stuff that starts there ends up here anyway.  Above all else make these devices truly functional and useful.  We need these devices to actually work with what we have in place.  If we are going to invest in infrastructure let's set up a tube system Futurama style instead.  [READ]

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