This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Web Buzz
by Mark Masterson.
Original Post: D is for "D'oh! We should have gone with P!"
Feed Title: Process Perfection
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Life, the Universe, workflow, BPM, Java, Ruby, functional/generative/meta programming, pi calculus, patterns, the Grid, agents, software architecture and the kitchen sink. :)
Verflucht! I had just shut down MarsEdit, 'cause I've blogged enough for today, but then Reg went and posted this. And made me laugh out loud. As usual.
development teams (including management and stake holders) do not have the authority to bend the laws of space and time.
If you structure a fixed price contract for development specifically because you want the developer to carry the risk, you believe in Theory P. That’s right, you believe it’s probabilistic, that’s why you hedge against disaster by talking the developer into assuming the risk.
Oh, great Caesar's ghost. Yes. For more on Theory P and D, see here, and here.