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by Douglas Clifton.
Original Post: The 2006 DC PHP Conference
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Feed Description: Web Development News, Culture and Opinion
Although I won't be attending the 2006 DC PHP Conference, since I am a local and a PHP
developer, decorum states I should post an announcement about the gathering. The 2-day conference begins next Thursday, October 19th at the L'Enfant Plaza Hotel.
The reason I'm not going? Partially because of the focus on the Federal sector, which doesn't interest me, and partially because of the expense. Now if I had an employer willing to foot the bill, I definitely would attend.
Assuming I was going to be there, I wouldn't want to miss Rasmus Lerdorf's keynote Getting Rich With PHP 5, and presentations by Laura Thomson and Chris Shiflett (both of OmniTI). It would also be interesting to meet Ben Ramsey and some local PHPers that I have only talked with via email.
For more information on who will be appearing, have a look at the conference schedule.