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by Chirag Mehta.
Original Post: The more you sweat...
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Feed Description: Chirag Mehta - Tech Web Log: I discuss pretty much anything related to technology that comes to my mind, from the nitty-gritties of string parsing in some language to the overall big picture of the software world.
2:20 pm) "The more you sweat, the luckier you get." It's kinda hard to believe that this can be true with computers but I think I'm pretty much the luckiest person with computers that I know. Not because I am so smart that I know everything, but rather, when I do the same things my users do, it just works. Many times, I don't even know what I did, especially when the user asks me how I fixed the formatting error in Excel. Yet, it just works once my hands have gone over it. It's like how your Cable TV will suddenly give perfect reception an hour before the cable guy comes to check out the disturbances you complained about all last month.
Well, it works in my favor as I'm the IT-guy at my day job and my years of accumulated luck are making things easier for me to fix.