This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Web Buzz
by Douglas Clifton.
Original Post: Flickr Fab Five
Feed Title: blogZero
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Feed Description: Web Development News, Culture and Opinion
Face it, flickr is fabulous, but these mashups and Web apps make it even more fun.
1. flappr is a really slick flash application for searching and browsing flickr photo archives. Once logged into your account, you can add the ones you really like to your favorites. Also presents the users tags by popularity, and details of each pic.
2. flickr spell couldn't be easier, just enter a word and keep clicking each letter image until your aesthetic sensibilities are satisfied. You can then use the JavaScript code provided to insert the resulting image set into your blog or Web site. I cheated (hopefully these images are not copyrighted!)
3. flickrfling is an innovative way to explore RSS feeds. Just enter the URL to an interesting one, and let the app render the feed in images based on keywords found there. The results can be quite surprising.
4. Tagnautica has to be experienced to understand it. Not that it's complicated or anything, just enter a keyword to get started.
5. Flickrball is a six-degrees-of-separation game, using flickr thumbnails and tags for clues. Warning: Kevin Bacon is watching you.