This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Web Buzz
by Douglas Clifton.
Original Post: A Few Good Apps
Feed Title: blogZero
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Feed Description: Web Development News, Culture and Opinion
Given that so many applications have been written in PHP, some extremely successful in terms of popularity, are there any applications youÂd be happy to point people at for inspiration? Apps which, despite your personal tastes, you think make a good blueprint for doing PHP?
He cites Eventum from the MySQL Technical Support team as one example. Eventum is a bug tracking system, and although I have heard good things about it, I have not looked over the source code or used it myself. If you are shopping for such a system, I would recommend taking a good look at Bugzilla (written in Perl), not only for its maturity but also because of its widespread use—including by such organizations as Mozilla, Apache and Yahoo!