This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Web Buzz
by Douglas Clifton.
Original Post: De Facto RSS Feed Icon Spreading Like Wildfire
Feed Title: blogZero
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Web Development News, Culture and Opinion
I keep my eye on a lot of news feeds, particularly those related to Web development. Go figure. Although I have no hard numbers to report, I am finding it astonishing just how quickly use of the Mozilla/FirefoxRSS feed icon is propagating around the Web.
This, ever since the IE 7 team announced that they would be using the icon to represent RSS resources, followed by a flurry of posts about it (including yours truly).
Posts about RSS Feed Icon per day for the last 30 days.
This is good news for users, especially the 90+% (depending on your sources) of them who don't even know what RSS is or how to take advantage of it. Which is a real shame if you ask me, since it really is a simple technology that shouldn't be as confusing as a mysterious XML chicklet that returns a bunch of equally mysterious source code when you click on one.
So let's continue to spread the word, er, icon. If you are graphically challenged (like me), Matt Brett has graciously created a set in multiple formats for you to download.