This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Web Buzz
by Douglas Clifton.
Original Post: XHTML vs. HTML
Feed Title: blogZero
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Feed Description: Web Development News, Culture and Opinion
Pity the hapless newcomer to the likes of the WSG mailing list, posting an innocent question about Web Standards only to find his or her query buried under an avalance of arguments over whether to use XHTML or HTML. We've all heard them, over and over, beaten to death.
A few days ago, Lori Cole was the latest victim of this sad scenario, and the ensuing argument threatened to go on indefinitely until Russ, as list moderator, finally closed the thread.
I am new to (trying to learn how) constructing standards conforming web pages using XHTML and would like to know what HTML editor you folks that are light years ahead of me would recommend? Like HTMLTidy? I am Windows based with IE v6 which I will soon be switching to Firefox based on this list. Thank you. Lori
So, I got to thinking, since so many folks are so keen on this fight, why not create a dedicated mailing list so these people can battle it out to their heart's content? Since I don't have the time or the resources to host such a list, I did the next best thing and created a Yahoo! Group, called, you guess it, XHTML vs. HTML.
If you want my opinion, which I doubt, devlepers should follow some basic best practices regardless of which markup language they choose. Rather than go over it again here, why not check out the WSG Web Standards Checklist.