This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Web Buzz
by Douglas Clifton.
Original Post: New Issue of PHP Magazine
Feed Title: blogZero
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Web Development News, Culture and Opinion
The December issue of PHP Magazine is out. If you are looking for the second installment of <root> Elements, you will have to wait until the next issue as other commitments have made it necessary to scale back the column to bi-monthly installments.
In the meantime, this issue looks to be very interesting. Headlining is Robert Peake's Introducing Design Patterns. Other interesting articles include Chris Shiflett's Guru Speak column, this month he covers Output Buffering. Also of interest are articles on building a Weblog, an Intranet, encryption, MySQL views and much more.
Posted from Washington DC, where it is snowing. Enjoy your holidays!