This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Web Buzz
by Manish Jethani.
Original Post: new Yahoo! Maps based on Flex
Feed Title: Manish Jethani
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Feed Description: Software. RIA. Flex.
this is why I don't like to go on vacation: invariably you end up missing something. while I was away, Yahoo launched the beta version of its new Maps service. now what's really special about it is that the UI is built entirely using Flex 1.5. ;) does anyone remember my Flex front-end to Google Maps back in April? well, it's sort of where it started =)
see it. play with it. tell 'em what you think. if you're a developer, you can build your own applications too! check out the Flickr Maps sample, for instance, which is based on Flex again.
Yahoo's not the only one using Flex for their mapping application. at the MAX Sneak Peaks a couple of weeks ago, ESRI demoed their Flex-based maps UI (due live this month) in front of a cheering crowd. there are some things -- like vector-based zooming into and out of a map -- that're just too hard or impossible with ol' skool technologies like AJAX.
an RIA developer today has a choice: master AJAX techniques and earn the respect of fellow nerds, or simply use Flex and get laid. :)