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by Josh Baltzell.
Original Post: Fixing the calendar. 13 months for prosperity.
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The calendar we use is broken. It is divided in uneven ways, does not match up to days of the week correctly and is overall outdated. So I Josh Baltzell am proposing a new system.
Months are a given. I don’t think a new calendar could be made without months because they are a decent method of dividing the year. I propose that we keep the months, but lower the number of days in each month to 28 to make the first always a Monday and thus making each day of the month a predictable day of the week. With the extra days left in the year an additional 13th month will be added (I am currently referring to this extra month as “Joshtober” but I am flexible.)
So 13 months with 28 days each brings us to 364 days. A year of course has 365.24 days. I propose that the remaining day be handled in one of two ways.
The day has no day of the week and is considered a holiday.
These days are collected until 7 days are build up and then a “Leap Week” is put on to the end of the year.
Using my system could bring production and prosperity to a whole new level. No more stretched paycheck months, easier accounting and planning, basic understanding of what part of the month you are in will let you figure out the date in your head. Plus calendar printers will be able to sell one more page of print per calendar. Please enjoy the sample calendar below